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Computer Motherboard :  A Motherboard is the central printed circuit board (PCB) in many modern computers.
Motherboard is the most important component in any personal computer. It is heart of the computer. It contains almost every important component of the computer. 
                     Every device in the computer system connects either directly or indirectly to the motherboard. The motherboard contains Processor, Memory, and Expansion slots. It is made up of chips various interconnections or buses. It is also known as Main board, System board,or Logic board .
  • Features of mother board :
  • It provides electrical connection between various components of the system.
  • It provides CPU interphase with other peripherals.
  • It provides CMOS battery prevent real time clock.
  • It  supports ports  like Serial, parallel, USB etc,...  
             Most modern mother board design use a BIOS stored in an EEPROM chipsolderd or socketed to the mother board, to bootstrap an operating system . when power is first appiled to the mother board, the BIOS firmware tests and configures memory , circurity and peripharals.This power-on self Test(post) may include testing some of the following things.
  • Cards inserted into slots, such as conventional PCI.
  • Floppy drive.
  • Keyboard and mouse.
  • network controller.
  • SCSI harddrive.
  • IDE, EIDEor SATA hard disk.
  • USB devices such as memory storage devices.
  • Optical drives : CD-ROM, DVD-ROM.
                                As everything you have on the PC at some point needs the motherboard, you need to consider these components when buying a motherboard. Foe example, if you have a lot of devices with a PCI interface that you wish to use, there is little point buying a motherboard that only offers you 3 PCI slots. Like wise with memory, you have to make sure that there are enough slots for the amount of memory you have or wish to have.
                              The motherboard also needs the correct type of interface for your Memory, Graphics card, Hard disks and other items as well. You will find that most motherboards offer everything you need however it needs checking on when buying. Its especially important to pay detail to your motherboard if you want to use older components, which a new motherboard may or may not support.
The major difference between motherboards that support the same CPU is the model of the chipset (more on the chipset later). Different chip sets offer different performance and different features in terms of memory support, AGP port speed, Multiplier numbers, Bus speeds and much more